вища освіта

Historical and legal features of development higher education in Ukraine (XVII–XIX centuries)

The article analyzes the historical development of higher education in Ukraine during the XVII–XIX centuries, its historical and legal peculiarities are determined. Particular attention is paid to the formation and development of humanitarian university education, which laid the foundation for domestic higher education and served as a source of leading ideas over several centuries of its development.

Science and education factors forming competitiveness of Ukraine

There are highlighted the current situation and trends in higher education of Ukraine with the indication of the following tendencies: decreasing the number of applicants to higher education institutions, insufficient quality of graduates’ education, and unreasonably large number of educational institutions. The unsatisfactory condition of science is associated with both low level of funding of this field and the its ineffectiveness that is manifested in low productivity of postgraduate and doctoral studies, low innovative level of the technologies and processes used.