
Selecting a Monitoring Technology for a Control System of Distributed Oil Production Facilities

The article proposes the structure of a SCADA system for monitoring and control of oil production facilities that are distributed over a large area. The main emphasis is on the selection of technology that will enable effective monitoring of the equipment of each oil well. Factors such as reliability, ease of use, availability of protection against third-party interference, as well as availability and accessibility of an open-source software code were taken into account. After reviewing the most common software platforms, a system based on Prometheus and Grafana was selected.

Моделювання відображення навколишнього середовища в 3D-об'єктах в реальному режимі часу

Запропоновано вдосконалений метод візуалізації 3D-об’єктів, що мають властивість відображення на своїх поверхнях навколишнього середовища. Розглянуто процес візуалізації відбиття світла від поверхонь 3D-об’єктів за законом Ламберта та процес візуалізації відображення навколишнього середовища на поверхнях 3D-об’єктів із використанням кубічних карт. Відкоректовано вектор відбиття під час його обчислення в процесі візуалізації відбиття навколишнього середовища. Розроблено процес пост - обробки кубічних карт. Комплексне врахування цих процесів забезпечує покращення реалістичності зображень.

Visualization method for multidimentional random processes

The article proposes a method for visualizing multidimensional random process realizations using the example of the concentrations of harmful gases emitted into the atmosphere from a thermal power plant. The method is based on the transformation of gas concentration values in one point of multidimensional space at the same time into a two-dimensional curve, which is described by the sum of products of normalized concentrations by orthogonal Legendre functions of the corresponding order.

Intelligent system of passenger flows dynamiC 2D-visualization for public transport routes

In order to increase the attractiveness of public transport for urban residents, a software product has been created for transport companies that, by visualizing passenger traffic, helps to improve the quality of public transport services provided within the city. The paper analyses existing and current scientific developments and literature sources, which show the advantages and disadvantages of a large number of different algorithms and methods, approaches, and methods for solving problems of 2D- visualization of passenger flows on public routes.

Procedures for Assessing the Quality of Electronic Learning Resources Using Petal Diagrams

The concept of visualization of the results of expert evaluation of the quality of electronic learning resources is considered. Much attention is paid to petal diagrams and their use in the visualization process. The algorithm for calculating the area of the petal diagram and the influence of the order of parameters on the area of each petal are described. The criteria for assessing the quality of e-learning resources and their weights for each of the experts are presented. The roles of experts with weighting factors are shown.

Information System Supporting Decision-making Processes for Forming of Securities Portfolio

Due to large-scale changes in the economy in the world and in Ukraine in particular, there has recently been a significant increase in interest in the problems of investment theory. An example is the intensification in recent years of the purchase of shares of large international companies and cryptocurrencies and, according to the rapid growth of their values. It is known that as a special case, the theory of investment considers the task of optimizing investment portfolios.


The article is about the fact that in modern mass-media photos more and more often become not only a visual background to informative, analytical or journalistic text, but as headlines attract attention of audience. Such kind of approach increases quality requirements of illustrative material in modern periodicals because popularity of texts which are published in newspapers and magazines depends on that. Some separate photos might become a kind of visual factage which does not need any verbal explanation. 

Методи візуалізації даних у розподілених системах

Проаналізовано основні завдання, які виникають під час візуалізації даних у розподілених системах та наведено підходи до їх вирішення.

Аналіз методів спрощення полігональних моделей 3D об'єктів

Проаналізовано основні ітераційні алгоритми спрощення 3D-полігональних моде- лей об’єктів з метою скорочення об’єму даних, що приводить до підвищення швидкості процесів їх передачі та візуалізації.