
Determinants of Juvenile Deviant Behavior

Abstract. Deviant behavior of minors manifests in various forms and with different degrees of intensity, influenced by external social environments and the individual characteristics of the minor's personality, which shape their reactions to various life challenges.

Behavior that deviates from generally accepted expectations can be either constructive or destructive, and deviant behavior, accordingly, can be positive or negative. The evaluation of such behavior is based on the social consequences of the deviation.

Transparency as a Means of Preventing Corruption in Public Administration

The paper examines the issue of transparency as a tool for preventing corruption in public
administration. The analysis is conducted by analysing the causes of the phenomenon and its
main economic and social effects, in the decision-making processes of the public administration.
Furthermore, the work focuses on the analysis of the main international legislative experiences
and, in particular, the Italian one, which demonstrate the emergence of ‘transparency rights’ in
order to curb administrative mismanagement behaviour (not only offences) and encourage

Exemption from Criminal Liability under Criminal Procedural Law

This research article discusses problem of crime in contemporary Ukrainian society and ways to
address it through the application of alternative responses to criminal offenses, particularly exemption
from criminal liability, are considered. The mechanisms and practical aspects of applying this institution
in Ukrainian criminal procedural law are analyzed. This article pays special attention to the role of
various subjects of the criminal process, such as the court, the prosecutor, the victim and the suspect, in


Based on the literature review, the paper considers modern systems for preventing the spread of fires and the latest methods of fire extinguishing. The influence of the design parameters of facade fire eaves at the boundaries of fire compartments on the prevention of fire spread in high-rise buildings is shown using FDS modelling.

Criminal law approaches to the analysis of crime prevention programs in the USA

It was emphasized that in Ukraine, representatives of all types of law enforcement activities develop certain methods and measures to combat crime at the level of their own competence. Of course, there are national and regional programs, but specific bodies and their divisions have considerable freedom of action regarding the direction of professional implementation.

National legislation and international obligations in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence

The article analyzes national legislation in the field of prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence and gender-based violence. The recognition of the concept of "Child witness" at the legislative level has been updated, and the problems of law enforcement practice, when the court cannot, taking into account the circumstances of the case, assess the child specifically as a victim in situations where she only witnessed domestic violence.

Victimology apparatus for domestic violence research

Crime, as a manifestation of illegal encroachments, is one of the urgent problems of our state, and counteracting it is an important area of activity of the state in general, and law enforcement agencies in particular. At all times, mercenary-violent crime was perceived as a serious threat to the highest social values, which led to public demand for effective forms of counteraction and protection of the interests of people, society and the state from mercenary violent encroachments, reducing the risk of falling victim to these crimes.

Prevention as a drug addiction activity

Problematic issues of drug addiction are considered. It is emphasized that drug addiction is one of the highest priority problems of our time due to its medical and social consequences. The health consequences of drug use are a growing concern around the world. It is noted that the spread of illicit drug use is becoming a large-scale antisocial phenomenon, which leads to the destruction of physical and moral health of the nation, its gene pool, law and order, intellectual and economic potential of our country.

Legal prevention in the context of a wide and understanding understanding

The article deals with the consideration of theoretical approaches to the definition of legal prevention in the context of broad and narrow understanding. Various scientific approaches to the definition of the term legal prevention in terms of criminal, criminal procedural, civil, administrative, labor law have been investigated. The essence of the concept of legal prevention as prevention, prevention and all the basic aspects related to the legal regulation of the legal phenomenon under investigation are revealed.

The role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption

The article focuses on the role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption. It has been proven that effective anti-corruption activities seem impossible without the participation of society. The public, on the one hand, is a force capable of breaking the circle of continuous corruption in the state, and on the other, without its support, interaction with civil society institutions, anti-corruption activities of public authorities seem ineffective.