Legislative regulation of problems of gender-based, domestic and sexual violence

: 225-230

Alla Yosypov, Andriy Zhiravetskyi "Legislative regulation of problems of gender-based, domestic and sexual violence". https://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-10-number-2-38...

associate professor of criminal law and criminology of Lviv state University of internal affairs candidate of legal sciences, associate professor
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

The article analyzes international and national legislation in the field of prevention and counteraction of gender-based violence, sexual and domestic violence.

It has been established that the Istanbul Convention is the main source that contains the most comprehensive list of measures aimed at protecting persons affected by gender-based violence, as well as providing them with appropriate services.

International documents have a clear emphasis on two types of violence - domestic violence and crimes in the name of so-called "honor" - the victims of which are mainly women, who, accordingly, suffer disproportionately compared to men.

It was concluded that during the years 2018–2021, in Ukraine as a whole, the legislative framework in the field of prevention and counteraction of domestic violence and gender-based violence and the provision of medical, social, psychological, and legal assistance and services to the victims has been sufficiently developed, which includes about thirty normative legal acts and continues to develop.

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