public authorities

Interaction between civil society institutions and government bodies

The importance of effective interaction of public society institutions with state authorities is analyzed, because civil society institutions ensure the provision of high-quality and cost-effective social services, the organization of private individuals and legal entities under private law to independently satisfy their interests without additional financial or administrative costs from the state; spread of charity and provision of targeted and operational charitable assistance; participation in decision-making and thus ensuring greater effectiveness of decisions taking into account the in

Modern approaches to public sphere specialist training

Formulation of the problem The system of specialist training, which allows providing public authorities with highly qualified and competent personnel, plays a significant role in the development of the public administration sector. The public service personnel should ensure the effectiveness of activities based on compliance with European democratic principles and standards of social development.

Implementation of the principle of reliability of information in the field of providing access to information

The article deals with the theoretical and practical basis of implementation of the principle of reliability of information in the field of ensuring access to information. To conduct the research, the author used general scientific and specialized methods of cognition, namely comparative and legal, formal and juridical, method of legal modeling, method of system analysis and others. The goal of the research is to develop theoretical fundamentals which specify peculiarities of implementing the principle of reliability of information.

Modern tendencies and challenges concerning corporate culture forming under conditions of public administration reforming

The main issues of formation and development of the corporate culture in the framework of the reforming of public administration system are considered. On the basis of the study and analysis of the experiences of other European countries, modern tendencies in public administration science and practice, the best national and international practices, the relevant proposals on further development of the corporate culture are prepared.

Models of state communication policy and instrumental support of the interaction between public authorities and community

The conceptual analysis of models of communication policy is conducted that made it possible to identify its instrumental role in ensuring the effective interaction between public authorities and community, to classify main scientific approaches to systematization of models of communication policy, to indicate its advantages and disadvantages, and to identify communication errors that can occur under certain implementation conditions of those models. The information flow control algorithm in the communication interaction between public authorities and the public is developed.

Theoretical foundations of organizational and legal mechanisms of public management in Ukraine

The article analyzes theoretical bases of the research of organizational and legal mechanisms of public management in Ukraine, shows the importance of proper theoretical study of their nature, components, interconnections and interdependence. There were investigated two approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “mechanisms of management”, which can be described as structural-organizational and structural-functional.

Talent management in public authorities

Problem setting. Under the conditions of the intense labour market and fierce competition, talented and highly productive workers, who can learn quickly and adapt to rapid changes in the environment, and possess a range of unique skills, knowledge and competence in a particular field are particularly valuable. It was these employees who led the emergence of the new term “war for talent”, which initiated the formation of a whole direction in approaches to personnel management, namely talent management.

Аdministrative and legal status of non-governmental organizations in ukraine

The article deals with the peculiarities of administrative and legal status of non- governmental organizations in Ukraine, whichis a set of defined rights and obligations in the field of public administration that is provided by specific rules of administrative law.On the basis of the works of native scholars and legal acts of Ukraine the article points outthe elements of the administrative and legal status of non- governmental organizations.

Grounds and conditions of civil – legal liability for damage caused by the state bodies and their officials

Questions of liability for damage caused by unlawful actions (inaction) of local selfgovernment bodies or their officials in the exercise of authority, the institute of responsibility before an individual are analyzed and also there are determined grounds for liability for nonpecuniary damage. Causing damage by public authorities, local governments and their officials refers to the special delicts and is a separate kind of responsibility.