Decisions of the constitutional court of Ukraine: problems of implementation

: 412-418 Olena Romtsiv "Decisions of the constitutional court of Ukraine: problems of implementation".

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

One of the urgent problems of the practice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is the implementation of its acts, the non-solution of which calls into question not only its guarantee of the supremacy of the Constitution of Ukraine as the Basic Law of the state throughout Ukraine, but also the authority of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as a body of constitutional jurisdiction. The fulfillment by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of the tasks assigned to it is achieved not so much by adopting the relevant acts as by their implementation and implementation. Without the implementation of decisions and conclusions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, all its previous activities regarding the consideration and resolution of relevant cases are nullified, it simply loses its meaning.

As you know, the acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine are self-sufficient, that is, those that are mandatory, final, have a direct effect and do not require confirmation or duplication by any public authorities to enter into force. The obligation to enforce the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is a requirement of the Constitution of Ukraine, which has the highest legal force in relation to all other normative legal acts. In accordance with Art. 69 of the Law "On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine", decisions and conclusions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine are equally binding.

The problem is that the current legislation does not define the principles and mechanisms for the execution of decisions and conclusions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. As a result, a significant part of such acts do not find their practical implementation.

It seems that the problems of implementing the prosecution, as well as the implementation of the decision itself, are associated with the lack of a clear control mechanism that would allow to identify the fact of non-compliance with the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the result of which could be prosecution.

Also, in the situation of Russian military aggression that has developed today in Ukraine, an important means of ensuring the implementation of acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is to maintain the high authority of the body of constitutional justice, to increase the level of legal awareness and legal culture of citizens, and especially to persons authorized to exercise state power. Important conditions for the effectiveness of the Constitutional Court, including the implementation of its acts, are the establishment in Ukraine of the foundations of a legal, democratic state, as well as ensuring political and socio-economic stability in the country.

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