Natural-Legal Regulation of Social Relations in the Period of Social Anomy

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

It was found that the transitional state of the development of society is always characterized by instability in all spheres of people's life. Social changes can be both negative and positive, because society is a living organism that must update, develop, and change. It is important that anomic, crisis-transitional states turn into stable, updated socio-legal relations between members of society within the state field, and not go into crisis decline.

It is emphasized that under the conditions of an anomic state of development of society, the norms of natural law acquire special importance, which do not allow society to move to the level of illegal development, until legal norms that can fully regulate social relations are formed and updated. Every society at a certain stage of its development experiences crisis periods characterized not only by social instability, but also by the decline and destruction of moral and legal guidelines and value standards.

It is noted that social anomie is a rather dangerous state that can develop into mass riots, strikes, rallies and revolutions, when the norms and prescriptions of the state are ignored, and in the worst case, they are violated due to what citizens consider ineffective. This can lead to the spread of conformist behavior.

In the context of the regulation of human behavior in society, it is impossible, and it is not necessary, to strictly distinguish the norms of morality, ethics, spiritual, canonical and natural law norms, because these norms are interconnected and recognize the inadmissibility of violating the norms of positive law.

Attention is focused on the fact that anomic states are characteristic of any society at a certain stage of its development, mostly as crisis-transitional states. Natural law norms support the lawful functioning of society through the recognition by a person of the value of moral, spiritual and ethical norms, which allows avoiding a deformed worldview and improper behavior. Natural law regulation
of social relations in the period of social anomie can act as a stimulator of lawful human behavior, activating the value orientations of a person.

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