In the article, we found that the rapid application of distance learning technologies
guarantees higher education institutions: a significant increase in the subjects of the
educational process (organization of training for a wide audience - simultaneous involvement
of a large number of students); a significant reduction in the cost of organizing the educational
process (no rent of premises, savings of utility bills, etc.); a significant increase in the quality of
education as a result of the use of electronic libraries, the use of modern ICT, the growth of the
scale of independent work of scuppers, listeners, etc .; organization of a unified (universal)
informational educational environment of a higher education institution. On the basis of the
analysis of a significant source base, we can state that in the system of distance learning the
defining methods of managing educational activities and methods of teaching are software and
hardware that operate on the basis of ICT, communication networks and systems, and are
used by the subjects of the educational process (which are remote among themselves) under
the direction of a teacher
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