Analysis of the current legislationaimed at comba ting illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors

: 81-85

Levitska O.
"Analysis of the current legislationaimed at comba ting illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The problem of drug addiction is a global one for society, since the essential sign is more socioeconomic than medical and legal, requiring the fight not with drug addicts, but with drug addiction as a phenomenon. They are implemented through public policy as a focused activity of public and private structures, cooperation with civil society in the development and implementation of methods, mechanisms and tools for the operation of legal, economic, social, psychological, medical and legal, other components and is the optimal synthesis of objective trends in social development and subjective judgments of people about their own interests in society. The sovereign legal policy for the prevention, combating and combating the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors should be formed both on balanced approaches, clearly defined targets aimed at significantly reducing non-medical drug use, and eliminating financial, organizational , technical, informational and other prerequisites for the functioning of drug crime. The state policy of Ukraine regarding the prevention and counteraction to drug addiction is an organic combination of two components: prevention against crime and the policy in the field of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. During the time of independence, it went through a difficult path of development, a number of regulatory acts on regulation and law enforcement were adopted, there were numerous shortcomings and miscalculations in the legislative field, they did not differ in the consistency and consistency of the authorities in responding adequately to external and internal drug threats.

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