The article is devoted to the interpretation of the regulation and the introduction of digital
technologies in the field of administrative services. The article analyzes the laws and by-laws that
regulate the use of digital technologies in the field of administrative services. The problematic aspects of
the legislative system development are suggested. The legal regulation of the providing of electronic
services and the role of Administrative Service Centers in this process are investigated. The quality of
use of the digital technologies providing is one of the most important factors that will affect the
effectiveness of change and build public confidence in local governments and public authorities. The
article is devoted to perspective directions of work on introduction and use of information and
telecommunication technologies in the sphere of administrative services. There is a need in legislative
regulation of the functioning and protection of e-identification tools.
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“AboutAdministrativeServices”]. URL: 5203-17.3.Pro zatverdzhennya planu
roboty Ministerstva tsyfrovoyi transformatsiyi Ukrayiny: nakaz Ministerstva tsyfrovoyi transformatsiyi Ukrayiny.
[ “The work plan of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine”]. URL: 4.
Pro Doktrynu informatsiynoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny : ukaz Prezydenta Ukrayiny. [Presidential Decree “The
Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine”]. URL: