The article is devoted to the study of the relation between control and supervision in the activities of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The basic approaches to the definition of the terms «control» and «supervision» in legal science are analyzed. It has been proved that if the protection of human and citizen's rights and freedoms, the protection of legal order, the ensuring legality and public safety are the content of the law enforcement function of the state, then control and surveillance are methods that result in the enforcement of a law enforcement function. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is belongs to the special bodies carrying out control and supervision activities. One of the main tasks assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is to ensure state control (supervision) in the sphere of internal affairs. The sphere of internal affairs is defined through a complex of public relations, which are related to the protection of vital interests of the individual, society and the state against unlawful encroachment, support, strengthening of public order and public safety. It is proposed to create in the system of bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine such conditions that would contribute to the gradual narrowing of the sphere of control and optimization of the sphere of supervision in order to increase the effectiveness of activities to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. The activity of the subjects of supervision and control of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in observance of the legislation from the point of view of organizational and legal aspect is considered. It is emphasized that in the procedural sense, control and supervision in the sphere of internal affairs is the content of the control process, in which the control activity is of primary importance, and the supervisory activity is caused by the control, in which the discursive nature of the control and supervisory activity is manifested.
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