Typology of corruption events in police

: 146-152

Lesko N. "Typology of corruption events in police"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article deals with theoretical aspects of typology of corruption manifestations in the police. Emphasis is placed on the existence of corruption risks affecting the effectiveness of police activities. It has been proven that preventing corruption risks is a complex process, as not all risks can be identified and assessed, many of them likely and probable. The principles of criminal, administrative and disciplinary liability of police officers for committing corruption offenses are considered. The main corruption risks during the service in the National Police have been identified and investigated. Proposed ways to minimize potential corruption risks during the service in the National Police. It is emphasized that there are two main approaches to the definition of corruption offenses in the civil service: formation and normative-legal definition of the list based on subjective perceptions of corruption; formulation of essential signs of corruption. Anti-corruption legislation implements a mixed approach that includes the presence of legal definitions and approved lists of corruption crimes. However, the legal definition of corruption given in Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” has no practical application. It is advisable to abandon the attempt to identify corruption in the law, since it is impossible to accurately and comprehensively identify this phenomenon. It is proposed to distinguish between corruption offenses and corruption offenses. A corruption offense is a failure to comply with a civil servant or other person's requirements established by the legislation of Ukraine on the prevention of corruption. Corruption is a breach of official discipline that impinges on official relations in the area of combating corruption. Unlike a corruption offense, an unlawful act committed by public servants for the purpose of obtaining material gain for themselves or for third parties, obtaining or soliciting it, requiring compensation for the performance of official duties is a corruption offense. Such an offense may be qualified as a crime or a disciplinary offense.

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