Main difficulties of organization of elite work process in Ukraine in the modern period of development

: 52-55

Kelman M., Kristinyak M. "Main difficulties of organization of elite work process in Ukraine in the modern period of development"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education
Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Administrative and Information Law

The article outlines the main difficulties of organizing the work of the management elite in Ukraine in the modern period of its development and presents the basic practical principles for improving the work of the elite in the modern conditions of state development. Thus, it is determined that the process of organizing the work of the elite today due to the development of various socio-economic changes is somewhat problematic, because it is the representatives of political elites can not ensure appropriate economic and social development in public administration. It is determined that the representatives of the managerial elite, who occupy key positions in the political, social, cultural institutions of the state in general have a direct influence on the adoption and implementation of management decisions, and must meet the relevant requirements, but often do not actually comply with them. socio-economic level of development of the state and society as a whole. In this regard, the process of organizing the work of the modern management elite, various scholars analyze in general not from a positive point of view, which is due, in our opinion, to the fact that the process of organization as often work is not effective today, namely the lack of democratic management and control According to the government, the system of formation and development of the management elite has certain rules that are formed under the influence that does not correspond to a democratic society, in this regard there is no actual interaction of the elite with society. authority of own interests, society is experiencing a protracted transition from communism to democracy, as a result of non-compliance with existing laws and the formation of poor development of the elite and as a consequence of the deformation of the work process, which is an important criterion for any practical activity. In this regard, the identified problems of the elite today lead to the introduction of appropriate mechanisms, the main purpose of which will be control over power and transparent work.

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