Modern concepts on understanding the phenomenon of civil society

: 31-38

Harasymiv T. "Modern concepts on understanding the phenomenon of civil society"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article analyzes modern concepts of understanding the phenomenon of "civil society" on the basis of a significant array of source base, both domestic and foreign. In particular, an attempt was made to systematize and classify research approaches to understanding the content, patterns of formation and development of civil society in modern world and Ukrainian scientific discourse. Thus, we can distinguish at least seven relatively independent research approaches and many more attempts to synergistically combine different of them in certain authorial combinations. Independent approaches should include, first of all, formal-legal, institutional, globalization, spatial-value, communication, activity and case studies. The proposed classification of research approaches to understanding the phenomenon of civil society in modern scientific discourse makes it possible to focus within a certain approach on certain institutional, procedural, value, activity, communication, etc. characteristics and features of civil society to further synergistic elaboration. regarding its development.

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