Public control in the process of democratization of the judicial system of Ukraine

Chornopyska V., Huk N.
"Public control in the process of democratization of the judicial system of Ukraine"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Process postgraduate student I year of specialization 081 Law

The article attempts to reveal the essence of public control as a factor in the democratization of the judiciary in Ukraine. It has been found that public control is an essential factor in the democratization of any institution. It is proved that active public control over the judiciary can be a significant impetus to create an efficient and fair judiciary, ensure openness and transparency of the judiciary, which in turn will increase public confidence in the judiciary.
The essence of such control should not be limited to understanding this concept, the usual methods of its implementation, but should be seen as the interaction of government and society through the establishment of sustainable and effective ways of interaction and communication.
It is noted that today in the scientific discourse there is a consensus that building a democratic, social, legal state is impossible without the close relationship between the state and the citizen, their coordinated work and effective control over the activities of public authorities.
Therefore, public control over the judiciary is an important form of realization of the constitutional rights of citizens and an active way to involve the population in government activities.

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