Natural and legal justification of time

: 95-103

Slyvka S. "Natural and legal justification of time"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

The article examines the natural and legal justification of time, as well as the temporal justification of natural law, which is reflected in the author's definitions. It is argued that time contributes to the acquisition of natural and supernatural values, and human problems can be solved by ontologically formed natural law, which governs it. In the religious concept of time, natural law had a sacred character and the understanding of time dictated the formation of natural law. However, if the transition from the Sacred Tradition to the Old Testament did not present difficulties in the formation of natural law, then in the New Testament the faithful discovered many new natural legal norms. The interpretation of time by Jesus Christ, and then by the apostles, fathers, teachers of the Church, bishops, was supplemented by new ontological understandings. The constituent elements of time, its tempo, amplitude, and rhythmicity, which are of great importance in natural law, became clearer. Over time, people have the opportunity to justify natural law: at different times, the same ontological and legal norm was perceived by man in the same way. For example, every positive achievement of a child in mental development is welcomed, because it is mental development that introduces the necessary norms into its natural law. However, not every achievement of a scientist should be considered positive: it may not be ontological and the natural right of a scientist will be distorted. That is, time rules the point in the acquisition of ontological and legal norms and events of natural law at different times are evaluated differently.

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