Philosophy of formation of lawyer's competences

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Tokarska A. "Philosophy of formation of lawyer's competences"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

There is a gap in the process of discussing the reform of higher education in the legal field, which has not yet been identified as significant by experts. The point is that the communicative component of the legal profession has become completely despised in the educational process, and later in practice. This is due to the leveling of branch communication and jurisprudential science, which are practically absent in the domestic humanities: neither the languages of modern law nor legal linguistics are properly developed by researchers. In this regard, the level of legal communication of law graduates is on average quite low. Even the analysis of linguistic and stylistic literacy of lawyers does not show a proper level of knowledge, even on a medium scale. The proof is the acquaintance with the business documentation of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and investigators, which record numerous violations of speech norms - linguistic, morphological, syntactic, stylistic, spelling, which affects the quality of communication. It is not necessary to prove the connection of these normative phenomena with the content of the legal document and the logic of the statement. In this regard, a number of important questions arise regarding the need to make changes to the training program for lawyers, giving priority to legal communicative competence.

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