: 95-102
Received: January 17, 2020
Accepted: October 25, 2020

Цитування за ДСТУ: Кухаренко В. М. Розвиток сучасної системи е-навчання в університеті. Український журнал інформаційних технологій. 2020, т. 2, № 1. С. 95–102.

Citation APA: Kukharenko, V. M. (2020). Development of a modern e-learning system in the university. Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 2(1), 95–102.

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

This paper analyzes the world sources and considers the evolution of the e-learning system in the world, which are necessary for the formation of the e-learning system of the educational institution. The object of research is modern information pedagogical technologies that change the educational process. Subject of research – various educational technologies (distance, mixed, mobile, micro-) learning that influence the effectiveness of the educational process. The purpose is to identify the main elements that create the global e-learning system and to define the structure of the system for use in educational institutions.

It is shown that in the first stage distance courses played the role of delivery of educational materials to the student. The development of web 2.0 technology and the advent of LMS have changed the way we learn. Pedagogical theories, the pedagogical instructional model ADDIE, and the use of Bloom's taxonomy allowed for student collaboration and active communication. The distance learning course is focused on achieving and measuring learning outcomes. In the third stage, all components of the world eLearning system are present: methodical, informational, technological, software and technical, personnel, regulatory, planning and development, monitoring and control. The components of the subsystems are variable in nature. Such a system is the basis for the strategy and tactics of the development of the e-learning system in the educational organization and its structural units. The most important is the planning and development subsystem, which defines the ways of development of the educational organization, the strategy and tactics of development of the e-learning system of the university, the required staff potential and the system of professional development of teachers. For its effective work it is necessary to have trained content curators who follow the most influential content curators of the world. Members of this team provide certification for distance courses in accordance with the organization standard. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" conducts systematic work in this area, conducts open distance courses for developers, tutors, content curators and experts for teachers of educational institutions of Ukraine. Developed distance courses that measure the competence of trained professionals ensure high efficiency of dual learning. More than 2,100 teachers of educational establishments of Ukraine have enrolled in the open distance courses, more than 320 teachers have successfully completed the courses.

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