Professionalization of judges as a basis for democratization of the judicial system of Ukraine: organizational and legal measures

: 39-46

Huk N. "Professionalization of judges as a basis for democratization of the judicial system of Ukraine: organizational and legal measures"

Process postgraduate student I year of specialization 081 Law

The article, based on the analysis of scientific works, current regulations and law enforcement practice, provides a comprehensive philosophical and legal study of modeling the process of professionalization of judges in the context of the modern process of reforming the state and legal sphere, identifying parts that provoke professionalization of judges. options for influencing it. The main trends of further improvement of the judiciary are identified, namely: verification of the feasibility and effectiveness of the legally defined model of forming the judiciary - appointment to the position of a judge on a non-political, transparent, competitive basis at the request of the GRP with public involvement; professionalization of the judiciary; guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary and, as a result, ensuring the independence and security of the judiciary; raising moral and ethical requirements for judges in accordance with international standards; the growth of the authority of judges in society and unconditional trust in them.

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