Modern paradigm of public management: a practical dimension for Ukraine

: 104-109

Melnychenko B.
"Modern paradigm of public management: a practical dimension for Ukraine"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law

The article analyzes the features of the modern paradigm of public management. Attention is drawn to the fact that today there are different models of public management in the world: the traditional (bureaucratic) model of management, the model of new public management, the model of policy network, the model of good governance, synergetic model, etc. It was found that among the most famous models of management, which took their place among the theories and practices of management, there are three: “Old Public Management”, “New Public Management”, “Good Governance”. Their characteristics are presented. It is stated that the fundamentally new model of management is the model of “Good Governance”. It is noted that in modern Europe this model was formed under the obvious influence of the concept of human rights. It is stated that the concept of “Good Governance” should be understood as a “framework” model of governance, which is based on two basic principles of building European states – the principle of democracy and the rule of law. It is emphasized that Good Governance does not replace previous management models, but embraces them in the new context of equal partnerships. It is stated that this multifaceted concept is a kind of culmination of the evolution of public management, which has absorbed all the best and most effective from the previous theoretical and practical achievements of democratic reforms in Europe. It is concluded that the optimal model of government in modern conditions is the model of “Good Governance”. This model of governance meets the requirements of an open and just society and, most importantly, involves the governance of society with the active involvement of all its members.

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