Criminal characteristics of sexual violence committed by a group of persons against a minor

: 252-259

Humin O., Petryk V. "Criminal characteristics of sexual violence committed by a group of persons against a minor"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Department of Architecture and Conservation

Summary. The process of successfully investigating crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity depends directly on how correctly and clearly the forensic characterization of the criminal offense has been established. In cases where a criminal offense is committed by a group of persons, as well as against a minor, during the investigation, investigators have many difficulties. Therefore, it is important to give a correct description of this criminal offense, and provide answers to some questions.

The article is devoted to the forensic characterization of sexual violence committed by a group of persons against a minor, as provided in Art. 153 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The importance of researching this issue is that in order for this criminal offense to be successfully solved, and all the perpetrators to be punished, it is necessary to give the correct description of this criminal offense. Particular attention is paid to such issues as the subject of encroachment, methods of committing a criminal offense, the characteristic traces left by the commission of this criminal offense, the person of the criminal offense, the person of the victim, the place and time of the crime, and the circumstances of the offense.

The question was revealed what methods can be used in committing a criminal offense, they are directly: forcing a child to masturbate in the presence of an adult, forcing certain imitations with the genitals of an adult, forcing a child to touch his own genitals, forcing oral, vaginal and anal intercourse , sexual intercourse with relatives (incest), footjob (stimulation of the genitals with the feet), frothering (friction of two penises), tribadism (used between females, is the friction of the vulva), imitation of sexual intercourse with a finger, violent petting.

The subject of the study is the regularities of the forensic characterization of a criminal offense related to sexual violence by a group of persons against a minor.

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