
Violence Against Minors: Concept and Types

Protecting children from violent criminal offenses that infringe on their life, health, morality and sexual inviolability is a priority national security task that unites the efforts of the family, the state and civil society.

Domestic violence against minors has characteristic features related to the specifics of the mechanism of committing criminal offenses, the causes and conditions that determine it, the personality of the perpetrators, and the peculiarities of the victim's behavior, which must be taken into account when developing special prevention measures.

Engagement of a specialist in the interrogation of juvenile victims of violent crimes

The article examines the organization and tactics of conducting and engaging a specialist to interrogate minors who have suffered from violent crimes. The purpose of involving a specialist is to help the investigator obtain reliable testimony using games, fairy tales, and other behavioral methods.

On the question of finding the circumstances, what should be established in criminal proceedings regarding minors

The fight against juvenile delinquency is one of the important activities of the pre-trial investigation bodies, the prosecutor’s office and the court, which carry out criminal proceedings. The Criminal Procedure Code obliges the bodies conducting criminal proceedings against juveniles to establish in as much detail as possible the circumstances concerning the characteristics of the juvenile’s personality and the circumstances aimed at identifying the causes and conditions that contributed to his commission of a criminal offense.

International legal guarantees of labor protection of minors

The article reviews normative acts in the field of employment and employment of minors, and therefore it is concluded that many states strive to develop measures to ensure full, productive and freely chosen employment, granting equal rights to all minors who wish to work, regardless of gender, race, religion. 

A sufficiently high level of legal regulation of legal relations regarding the employment of minors by international legal acts and national legislation operating in the specified area is noted.

Criminal characteristics of sexual violence committed by a group of persons against a minor

Summary. The process of successfully investigating crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity depends directly on how correctly and clearly the forensic characterization of the criminal offense has been established. In cases where a criminal offense is committed by a group of persons, as well as against a minor, during the investigation, investigators have many difficulties. Therefore, it is important to give a correct description of this criminal offense, and provide answers to some questions.

Criminological aspects of the activities of subjects of individual prevention of square crimes of minors

The article provides a criminological analysis of the activities of subjects of individual prevention of mercenary crimes of minors. Key features of the subjects are highlighted, their classification is made. The methods of activity of special subjects of individual prevention of mercenary crimes of minors are considered. It is noted on the importance of applying the method of persuasion. The forms of activity of subjects of individual prevention of mercenary crimes of minors are systematized, depending on the characteristics of the powers granted.

Right to protection of minors detained for an offense as prevention of deviant behavior (on the example of Lviv region)

This article focuses on the elucidation of the mechanism of the right to free legal aid to
minors, detained for a crime in miskrayorhanah Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region as
prevention of deviant child behavior