About non-class elements in the field of labor relations

: 160-167

Ostapenko L., Basarab М., Shevtsiv А.
"About non-class elements in the field of labor relations"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

In our present, information technologies are developing quite noticeably, which, in turn, opens up a number of opportunities for modern technologies that indicate the formation of non-classic elements in the field of labor relations and affect the spheres of human life. Modern trends in the development of the legal situation of workers in the field of labor show that it is necessary on the one hand to rely on the principles of social justice and equal protection of labor rights in the independent implementation of remote work [1, p. 94]. In the course of the study, we identified one of the topical issues, namely classical relations affecting the sphere of the economy in need of legal regulation and consolidation of the content of the concept of “remote work”. Despite the fact that the volume of persons carrying out their official duties outside the borders of the working room increases every day, the number of open issues related to the remote performance of their work requires further research. That is why there is a need to conduct a comprehensive analysis and the formation of an international regulatory framework, on the basis of which it becomes possible to regulate relations related to remote work. At the same time, the national legislation of Ukraine as of 2021 allocates only episodic attention to this issue. From this it follows that the definition and characteristics of labor relations, the essence of which is “remote work” is little covered in the normative legal acts of Ukraine, we are talking only about working from home, which is one of the types of remote labor. Important in this regard is the work of scientists from those countries where such a non-classic element of labor relations as remote work has been available for a long period of time not only in domestic use, but also enshrined in the legislation of these countries.

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