Characteristics of victims of crimes committed by organized groups and criminal organizations formed on ethnic basis

: 197-205

Sevruk V.
"Characteristics of victims of crimes committed by organized groups and criminal organizations formed on ethnic basis"

National Academy of Internal Affairs

The analysis of the researched scientific problems on counteraction to crimes committed by organized groups and criminal organizations, which are formed on an ethnic basis, now necessitates further research of ethnic crime in Ukraine and the world in general. It is determined that such ethnic criminal groups are formed on the basis of national and clan kinship, traditions and customs, they are characterized by specialization in certain types of crimes. Today there is a steady trend towards the growth of identified organized groups and criminal organizations, which are formed on an ethnic basis (this does not take into account the latent activities of undetected and registered in other indicators), increasing the number of members of such groups and the scale of activities in various criminal areas. In this regard, it should be noted that the number of victims of such activities and the damage caused to them has increased. In view of this, the role of the victim in the mechanism of criminal encroachment of organized groups and criminal organizations that are formed on an ethnic basis plays a significant role. In fact, personal qualities (gender, age, profession, social, professional and marital status) emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects of the victim are characteristic of both the victim and organized groups and criminal organizations that are formed on ethnic. Formation by the Ukrainian state of a multivector mechanism of counteraction to organized groups and criminal organizations formed on an ethnic basis is impossible without understanding the essence of this problem, relevant legally established concepts and classification and separation of features of organized ethnic crime that are important for law enforcement and and the main effective factor in such activities is to guarantee the security of citizens and the integrity of the state from criminal encroachments of organized groups and criminal organizations that are formed on an ethnic basis. The study of all these circumstances should contribute to the development of effective measures to counter such groups, which makes this topic relevant and in demand.

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