Legal methods of combating the illegal labor market

: 151-159

Ostapenko L.
"Legal methods of combating the illegal labor market"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article analyzes the existing approaches to determining the ways and methods of analyzing legal methods of combating the illegal labor market. The article reveals aspects of the impact of the illegal labor market on the Ukrainian national labor market. There are key points at which the interaction of market processes takes place and the analysis of possible transformations is carried out. At the same time, attention is paid to the directions of Ukraine's state policy in the field of employment and employment of the population on guarantees of protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of both the employee and the employer. Scientific approaches to the interpretation of the term “labour market”, which has a different explanation in content, depending on the object and subject of research, are considered. Scientific approaches to the interpretation of the term “labour market”, which has a different explanation in content, depending on the object and subject of research, are considered. In accordance with the topic of the study, a group of methods of economic and legal content was identified, including: carrying out reforms of the tax (fiscal) system, which influenced the consideration of the essence and content of the so-called "shadow incomes", which have a close connection with both the illegal labor market and underground production; attention is focused on the need for further reform of the current system of supervisory and controlling bodies in the field of production, with the exception of safety and labor protection.

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