The right of citizens to a constitutional complaint as a means of resolving a constitutional and legal dispute

Ortinski V., Khomyshyn I. "The right of citizens to a constitutional complaint as a means of resolving a constitutional and legal dispute"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Director of the Educatioal and Rasearch Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article examines the right of citizens to a constitutional complaint as a means of resolving a constitutional dispute. The concept of constitutional justice from the point of view of the theory of the state and law is considered and the role of constitutional justice in the system of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is determined. Constitutionallegal dispute is a confrontation in the forms provided by the norms of constitutional law, the parties to the dispute – the subjects of constitutional relations, which, exercising constitutional rights and responsibilities, found contradictions over material and spiritual goods that are subject to constitutional regulation. Rights. Constitutional justice for a citizen is a means of influencing two branches of government – legislative and judicial. Such influence is the only legal remedy for the restoration of violated rights. The constitutional complaint from the standpoint of the Constitution of Ukraine and the law “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” is described. It is noted that the constitutional complaint is a petition of a citizen to check the compliance of the Constitution of Ukraine with the law of Ukraine applied in the final court decision in the case. The right of citizens to a constitutional complaint is a subjective right to establish in court the inconsistency of the legally established limits of constitutional human and civil rights and freedoms with the constitutional limits in order to protect the violated constitutional rights of a citizen. The sectoral affiliation of the disputed legal relations, the subject of the dispute and the special subject composition determined the consolidation of the basic principles of constitutional proceedings, the right of citizens to a constitutional complaint in the Constitution of Ukraine. The right of a citizen to a constitutional complaint is not the only way of judicial protection against violation of constitutional human rights and freedoms by law – to initiate constitutional proceedings to resolve a constitutional dispute may be subjects of constitutional law by way of normative control, courts concluding that the Constitution is inconsistent. the law applicable to the case. Key words: rights and freedoms, Constitution, constitutional proceedings, constitutional and legal dispute, constitutional complaint.

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