The article is devoted to the problem of organization of forensic activity in the process of criminal prosecution and, in general, to the problem of improving the whole procedure of obtaining evidentiary information in the process of criminal proceedings in European countries. Such foreign experience can be, in particular, extremely useful both for the organization of forensic activities in Ukraine and, in general, for improving the whole procedure of obtaining evidentiary information in the course of criminal proceedings in the context of procedural coercion.
The article investigates that the system of organization of forensic activity in its specific expression, as well as the status of an expert are regulated by current legislation and departmental regulations of a particular country. Legal regulation of forensic activity in most European countries, as well as in Ukraine, is based on the current criminal procedure law. Departmental regulations mostly determine the procedure for carrying out internal system activities. Therefore, the problem of the organizational structure of forensic units in some European countries, as well as the problem of determining their competence and organization of activities deserves special attention.
Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature, some issues of organization of forensic expertise in some European countries, as well as issues of legal (procedural) status of forensic expert were studied. It is concluded that the importance of foreign experience in solving these problems to improve the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine.
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