Features and methods of detection of fake information in Ukrainian media

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The notion of misinformation revealed difference misinformation and fake. The classification of fake on the various grounds is made, it is also found out the types of information to spread on the Internet. The essence and origin of the term “fake” describes the creation and dissemination of fake information in the social media. The typical examples of fake information in the Ukrainian media space, revealed the impact of such messages to users of social networks. Methods of combating of fake information in the Ukrainian media space. As our survey showed, readers are poorly aware of the problem of fake information in the media, and therefore they need to learn how to recognize false news and be able to protect themselves from misinformation. It is summarized that carelessness, negligence of journalists, their reluctance to check information or even lack of time sometimes make them believe in the fake, and even worse, to spread it. Unfortunately, the audience was unprepared to check information independently and be able to filter it. And this is despite the fact that most of the respondents (41%) are reading news on the Internet, which often share fake information.

Moreover, Ukrainian media have not always been able to refute information, or to apologize to readers. Therefore, the recipient must be able to check information - in order not to allow the media to disinform himself. To do this, you need not only to read news on several verified sources, but also be able to recognize the lie. You need to look for the source, be able to distinguish the fact from the comment (and take the comments only from those people who you trust), be able to browse the photo, attentively look at photographs, which are printed in media and learn English (in order to understand the information in a foreign source). In order to protect themselves from false information, readers must be well able to recognize fake news. And to us, journalists, in our turn, it is necessary not to spread fake.

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