The object of scientific research is corruption acts committed by general entities in the field of labor relations. Unfortunately, scientists tend to fragmentaryly cover certain provisions characterizing corruption in the field of labor relations. At the same time, the concept of corruption should be considered taking into account the signs by which it is possible to determine: 1) the level and forms of corruption manifested in labor relations between employers and employees; 2) systemic and unsystematic nature of corruption relations taking place in the field of labor; 3) the presence and dependence of corruption on the impact on labor relations of the state, society, labor collective, etc.; 4) the presence in society of the so-called "tolerance" to corruption violations in the field of labor; 5) corruption of public administration, production sector, employers, which indicates the weakness of the ukrainian society's response to corruption offenses in the field of labor relations.
It is determined that corruption in the field of labor relations is socially dangerous and entails the onset of harmful consequences of legal, material and psychological content.
Attention is drawn to the fact that the corrupt activities of officials authorized to perform power functions in the field of labor have illegal content, which are socially dangerous and harmful in consequences. The essence of the signs that are inherent in the commission of corruption in the field of labor relations is characterized. These include: 1) officials (officials) who perform the functions of the state or local self-government bodies to regulate relations in the field of labor; 2) corruption activities of authorized entities (employers) in the field of labor, exercise on the basis of official (official) powers granted to them and related opportunities for self-serving content; 3) the purpose of corruption in the field of labor relations is to obtain an improper benefit or to accept a promise / offer of benefits for yourself from a dependent employee (subordinate official). It is proved that these signs of corruption in the field of labor are interdependent and interdependent, and their manifestation can occur during legislative, privatization, budgetary processes. In addition, corruption activities can be criminal and administratively tort in nature, the essence of which is to bribe powerful officials who provide certain services in the field of labor for illegal remuneration.
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