Security as one of the types of preventive measures in criminal proceedings: problems of application

: 385-390 Shai R. Security as one of the types of preventive measures in criminal proceedings: problems of application.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article considers problematic issues related to the application of one of the types of precautionary measures, namely bail, to a suspect, accused, convicted person in the modern Ukrainian criminal process.

The use of bail in criminal proceedings raises many questions of a theoretical and practical nature. In particular, there is no single list of grounds and conditions for the use of collateral as a precautionary measure. Law enforcement practice also does not contain a single approach to addressing this issue. The analysis gives grounds to assert that the factual grounds for the application of precautionary measures in general and bail in particular are the existence of reasonable suspicion of a person committing a criminal offense; the presence of risks that give grounds to the investigating judge, the court to believe that the suspect, accused, convicted person may perform the actions provided for in Part 1 of Art. 177 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The legal basis for the use of bail as a precautionary measure is the decision of the investigating judge, the court on: the use of precautionary measure in the form of bail; application of a preventive measure in the form of detention with determination of the amount of bail as an alternative to detention; change of a measure of restraint from personal obligation, personal guarantee, house arrest or bail as a result of non-compliance with the conditions of a milder or more severe measure of restraint. When choosing a pledge as a precautionary measure, it is advisable to take into account, along with the grounds, the conditions that must be taken into account when choosing this precautionary measure.

The preventive nature of bail is manifested in order to use it in criminal proceedings. These purposes are to ensure that the suspect or accused person fulfills his or her procedural obligations; prevention of attempted concealment; destruction of evidence or other important things for the criminal process; illegal influence on participants in criminal proceedings; obstruction of criminal proceedings and the commission of another criminal offense.

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