Guarantor as a person deserving trust

: 246-250

Krasko S., Slotvinska N. "Guarantor as a person deserving trust"

Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychologyand Innovative Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education,

The article is devoted to the issue of interest to scientists and practitioners in the context of the application of a precautionary measure in the form of a personal guarantee — a description of the guarantor's personality as trustworthy. The study of the provisions of current legislation and the results of the scientific work of scientists has reasonably allowed us to draw appropriate conclusions. Thus, the analysis of the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine makes it possible to argue that guarantors who “deserve to trust” when choosing a measure of restraint in the form of personal bail, as a general rule, should be several (two or more), and they should fulfill the undertaken obligations. This is confirmed by the fact that the circumstance under which the investigating judge or court may find sufficient the presence of one guarantor is the characterization of him as a person who deserves “special trust”. We believe that when deciding on the application of such a precautionary measure as a personal guarantee, the investigating judge, the court must establish the nature of the relationship between the potential guarantor (guarantors) and the suspect, the accused. This is due to the purpose of this precautionary measure, namely to ensure the proper procedural behavior of the suspect, accused, and his timely participation in criminal proceedings (for example, in the conduct of investigative (search) actions). After all, only a person who will have an impact on a particular suspect, accused, can potentially fulfill its obligations, achieve the desired result by their actions, otherwise (even with the undisputed authority of others) the feasibility and effectiveness of such a precautionary measure are questionable. Thus, the mutual trust between the guarantor and the suspect, accused, recognition of the authority of the guarantor suspect, accused are important factors that may affect the achievement of the purpose of the precautionary measure in the form of personal bail, and therefore the investigating judge event in the form of a personal guarantee must ensure the existence of circumstances that confirm the existence of these relations.

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