Some issues of forced migration internally displaced persons in Ukraine

: 264-269
Blok N. Some issues of forced migration internally displaced persons in Ukraine.

Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychologyand Innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Civil Law and Procedure

The concept of internally displaced persons is studied. It is noted about the problems of forced migration of internally displaced persons in Ukraine.

It is proved that forced migration plays an important role in the modern world migration process of the population. The main reasons for the forced migration of the population, which motivate citizens to move within the country, are indicated. Namely, such causes of forced migration are, first, military conflict, occupation or annexation of territory, ill-treatment, violence, genocide, violations of human rights and freedoms, as well as environmental, economic, man-made and others. It has been studied that movement within the country took place in waves depending on the presence of hostilities in the region or locality.

It is stated that the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine are the duty of the state to create legal, socio-economic and spiritual conditions related to the protection of citizens. And the activities of state authorities and public organizations for the protection of human rights. It is noted that the state, represented by authorized state authorities, provides problems related to the registration of internally displaced persons, providing information to internally displaced persons about possible places and conditions for their temporary residence / stay, as well as free meals for the period until such persons receive the status of unemployed or their employment and provide, if necessary, internally displaced persons with medical and psychological assistance. It is indicated that it is necessary to enter the Unified Information Database on Internally Displaced Persons by the structural unit of the local state administration on social protection, information on registration of internally displaced persons, including their actual location, and services provided to such persons. It is noted about the importance of placing children in preschool and general educational institutions of state ownership, etc.

Furthermore, it is important for displaced persons to receive humanitarian, charitable, medical and psychological assistance, identify families in difficult circumstances, provide them with social services and take legal action in the event of a threat to their lives and health.

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