
International legal regulation of labor migration issues

Abstract. The fact of widespread labor migration is proved not only among the population of Ukraine, but also among the world community as a whole. The main reasons for the movement of the working-age population in the context of globalisation processes are identified. The main aspects of the need for a unified model of compliance of national legislation with international standards are identified. It is proved that the unanimity of legal regulation of the labor migration process would help to eliminate contradictions between the provisions of legal systems of different states.

Internally displaced persons as a special object of social protection in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the study of certain issues related to the social protection of internally displaced persons in Ukraine through the prism of security and economic aspects, which are the main ones for this category of persons. It is emphasized that the issues of migration processes throughout all the years of Ukraine's independence were quite acute for our state.

Raising Youth Unemployment as One of the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic

For studying the excess of youth unemployment in comparison with other age groups in Europe and selected world regions, the authors hypothesized the high efficiency of government employment policy, taking into account the possible consequences of displacing other age groups.

The aim of the study is to formulate proposals for reducing youth unemployment in Europe and selected world regions in accordance with the identified specific causes of this phenomenon.

The main objectives of the study are:

Marketing Analysis of Demand and Supply in the Labor Market of Ukraine

The labor market is a complex socio-economic phenomenon that requires constant monitoring and regulation. There are a significant number of definitions of this concept, which are significantly different and quite harmoniously complement each other. At the same time, scientists use complex, systemic and dialectical approaches. Scientists consider typical models of the labor market: American, Japanese, Swedish and Chinese, which differ in a number of key features and principles of operation.

Legal status of labor migrants: concept, content, legislation

The concept of the legal status of migrant workers is studied. It is noted that the legal status of migrant workers and the guarantee of their personal rights are enshrined in law. It is stated that the protection of the rights of Ukrainian citizens working abroad implies an important obligation for the state to create legal, socio-economic and spiritual conditions for the realization of their rights and freedoms, under which it is possible to protect the rights of individuals and international human rights organizations.

Employment Problems in Crisis Conditions and Ways to Solve Them

The article describes the importance of optimization the employment process in crisis conditions, in particular during the Covid-19 pandemic. The labor market and unemployment in Ukraine for 2016-2020 was analysed and a sharp increase in unemployment in 2020 was identified, due to the closure of a significant number of enterprises and organizations and the inability of employees to perform their duties remotely. Dependence of the level of employment on the level of education and duration of training for the period 2017-2020 was analysed.


The article reveals the research results of the motivation essence in the modern scientific publications. Three major approaches to the interpretation of motivation were outlined: from the point of view of stimulus to activity; from the point of view of personality’s consciousnesses component; form the point of view of dynamic process. There was presented the author’s vision of motivation, which is considered in the context of factors that motivate the human potential for its capitalization. 

On the specifics of labor relations and activities in europe in the middle ages

The article analyzes the development of employment and relations of medieval European society. We also consider the impact of Christian norms in matters of work, the Middle Ages and Stages periods of employment and activities medieval shop viewed as a tool of progress of production, labor and the role of women in the Middle Ages.

Strengthening micro-entrepreneurship for the disadvantaged youth in Middle East and North Africa

The article presents the research of tools that stimulate micro-entrepreneurship for unemployed youth, facilitate self-employment, formalize entrepreneurship and lessen the gender gap in business. The proposals
developed are aimed at creating new business opportunities for the unemployed young people. Centers of Professional Orientation and Integration (CPOI) create and utilize online database, combining business and education resources.
This database is the key element of the system as it accumulates information about labor market for CPOI,