Internally displaced persons as a special object of social protection in Ukraine

: 105-111

Citation APA: Kapitan O., Rudanetska O. (2024) Internally displaced persons as a special object of social protection in Ukraine. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 11, No. 1(41), pp. 105-111.

Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv Ph. D
Lviv National Environmental University

The article is devoted to the study of certain issues related to the social protection of internally displaced persons in Ukraine through the prism of security and economic aspects, which are the main ones for this category of persons. It is emphasized that the issues of migration processes throughout all the years of Ukraine's independence were quite acute for our state. The issue of the legal status of persons who returned to the state from the territories of the republics of the former Soviet space was replaced by the issue of refugees, deported peoples, illegal and labor migration, and since 2014, a new category of migrants has emerged – internally displaced persons. Terrible events: the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the armed conflict in the East of the country, and in 2022 – a full-scale aggressive war by the Russian Federation, which continues to this day, caused the largest internal displacement of the population of Ukraine. All this became a good reason for the adoption of a number of legislative acts that created the basis for regulating their status and creating an appropriate mechanism for the realization and protection of the rights and freedoms of this category of persons.

It has been established that today in our country an extremely terrible mass forced migration crisis continues, which in terms of its scale and consequences is considered to be almost the largest in terms of its nature and number of forced displacement of the population. The large-scale military aggression shown by the Russian Federation against Ukraine left a large number of residents of our country without homes, radically changed their security, economic and financial situation, as well as the state of their social security and well-being. Such vulnerability of IDPs requires the state to create and use a whole range of possible measures and means that will ensure the proper social integration of these persons in the new environment, among which the most important are the issues of: provision of housing, employment opportunities, realization of the right to medical care and education, psychological support, etc., as well as financial support, which is almost the most important element of providing social services.

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