Constructive interpretation of legal norms in the paradigm of legal constructivism

: 71-76
Seredyuk V. "Constructive interpretation of legal norms in the paradigm of legal constructivism."

Candidate of of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the territorial service center №8049 regional service center of the Main service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv

The issue of the relationship between the constructivist paradigm and the constructive interpretation of legal norms is revealed. It has been clarified what is meant by a constructive way of interpreting legal norms. In a general sense, constructivism is characterized by the artificial construction (construction) of certain ideal-spiritual or material-object realities or the interpretation of such realities as artificially constructed. The direction of constructivism has gained scientific-philosophical and interdisciplinary importance in the natural sciences and humanities, and has become widespread in the philosophy of law and morality.

At the doctrinal level, several directions of constructivism are distinguished: radical, which denies the possibility of knowing objective reality, reduced to countless subjective realities of human consciousness; Erlangen, which appeals to the objectivity of language and strives to overcome the "naive detection of the world" through the construction of special language and scientific methods.

It was found that the constructive interpretation of legal norms and symbols (their acceptance by individual and social consciousness) is connected with the construction of legal identity. The mechanism of identification (legitimization) of certain ways of behavior is included in the formation and internalization of social norms, in particular, legal norms. Legitimation is carried out by the elite in accordance with public expectations or under the influence of civil society institutions.

Taking into account the staged construction of legal reality proposed in jurisprudence, the tentatively indicated stages in relation to contractual regulation allow, at the stage of comparative analysis of the genesis of contractual regulation, to identify the factors of social reality that determine the objective nature of cooperation and the communicative nature of a person.

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