Іn the conditions of rising prices for gas and coal, the use the peat as an energy resource is promising for Ukraine. According to the "Development Concept of the Ukrainian peat industry till 2030", the production of peat for fuel and fertilizers in Ukraine in 2020 is scheduled to amount 4-5 million tons per year. Milling peat may be a valuable local fuel for thermal power plants, municipal utilities, as well as the raw material for the production of fuel briquettes. Production processes of the peat pressing are multi-stage, long-term, resource and energy-consuming. The main energy costs during the production of peat briquettes are related to the peat drying and make up about 80% of total energy consumption.
Тhe analysis of modern drying methods and equipment for the peat drying have been analyzed and ways of reducing energy consumption at the stage of dehydration of peat have been analyzed in the article. The main method of the peat drying is convective, the implementation of which is carried out in pneumatic drying installations. Disadvantages of these dryers are, first of all, significant energy costs for transportation of high-temperature thermal agent in large quantities and the low quality of the dry product, which is manifested in a significant moisture content difference in the particles which are various in sizes.
To reduce power inputs during the peat drying and to improve the quality of the product the filtration method of drying has been proposed. Theoretical aspects of the pressure loss determination in the stationary layers of porous materials have been analyzed. The hydrodynamic of the thermal agent flow through stationary layers of wet and dry peat has been investigated. At the basis of summarizing the experimental results, the equation for the pressure loss determination in the stationary layer of the peat during the filtration of the thermal agent has been obtained. The deduced equation has practical implementation at the equipment design stage for peat drying and allows to calculate theoretically the pressure loss in the layers of the peat under the similar hydrodynamic conditions and within the material layer hights from 20.10-3m up to 50.10-3m.
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