About the correlation to activity of catalyst of Mо2B and selectivity of formation of epoxide in reaction of epoxidation oct-1-ene with tert-butyl hydroperoxide

: 10-14
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

This work is dedicated to the study of change of composition of surface of catalyst of Мо2В in the reaction of epoxidation of oct-1-ene tert-butyl hydroperoxide under the action of reactionary environment. And as with this process the constrained selectivity of formation of epoxide.

Presented results of x-ray phase analysis of initial and exhaust in a reaction epoxidation of standards of boride of molybdenum - Мо2В. The obtained data testify that both a weekend and exhaust catalyst contains one and that diffraction lances that answer one crystalline phase of Мо2В.

However, on the diffractogram of standard of catalyst exhaust in the reaction of epoxidation, from is halo, appearance of that testifies to formation of amorphous phase on the surface of catalyst. Offered results of x-ray microanalysis of standard of Мо2В, to the reaction and after a reaction.

These results testify to the change of quantitative composition of elements in the superficial layer of catalyst after his use in the reaction of epoxidation. If in the initial standard of catalyst content of heavy element (Мо) exceeds 91% then as in a standard after a reaction his content diminishes and folds 80%.

It is necessary to notice that a peak, that answers oxygen content of that folds 17%. Probably, increases after a reaction, connection that appears on the surface of Мо2В contains a molybdenum and oxygen, is an amorphous phase, and that is fixed in a kind halo in the x-rayed analysis of standard of Мо2В after his use in the reaction of epoxidation. Maybe, this phase, shows a soba peroxide connections of molybdenum, that are the active catalysts of epoxidation of olefins.

The kinetic model of reaction, in obedience to that selectivity of formation of epoxide changes with the change of degree of activating of catalyst (a), is in-process offered.

Selectivity of formation of epoxide depends on the degree of activating of boride of molybdenum. A catalyst on the basis of Мо2В is characterized by high enough selectivity. However, selectivity heads for the zero of  S®0, if the degree of activating heads for a zero a®0. Formation of negligible quantity of epoxide on the initial standard of Мо2В, maybe, is related to partial oxidation the surface of catalyst by oxygen of air during his storage. Confirmation of it is a presence of small peak of oxygen on the spectrum of EDS of initial standard of catalyst.


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