The problem of formation of the mission of the university in the legal discussion of educational paradigm

: 81-88

Kucherenko N. "The problem of formation of the mission of the university
in the legal discussion of educational paradigm"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article deals with the problem of formation of the university’s mission in the legal discourse of the educational paradigm. The analysis of modern European and national tendencies of universities has shown the relevance of the transition from simple awareness or even enlightenment to a higher level of competence development of future specialists. Today, such a system of universities is relevant, the essence of which is based on qualitative knowledge, competencies, pedagogical innovations, development of own competence. The determining features of the innovative development of education are: the construction of learning in the context of a continuous process; Formation of a direction for creating opportunities for students to take not so active, as an initiative position in the educational process; to help students not only to master the material, but to learn the world, engaging with them in an active dialogue, to look for answers themselves and not to dwell on what was found as an undeniable truth. For an innovative type of education characterized by universality, complexity, which provides the basis of the modern outlook on the unity of the noosphere, the sociosphere and the psychosphere

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