On the particularities and legal restrictions to apply copyright at digital marketplace

: 216-222

Rymarchuk R., Rimarchuk G.
"On the particularities and legal restrictions to apply copyright at digital marketplace"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

This article analyzes the problem of copyright protection in the digital environment, as copyright protection is not limited to the protection of print media. The latest technologies have provided new
digital means of storing and transmitting information to which legislative acts should be applied in order to promote their protection. It is worth noting that much of the scholarly publication is based on the content identified by scholars on royalty-free use. It is this content that is “bought in” by the higher education system and becomes the property of libraries and educational institutions. This is why recent efforts to develop
alternatives to Publication Models are gaining increasing attention in research groups and educational institutions.

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