The tasks of the theory of legal socialization include the study of the holistic process of personality formation. The solution of this problem is complicated by the need to understand the problems and risks of legal socialization and the need to further development of sound recommendations for their prevention and overcoming. The concept of risk is multifaceted. The problem of risks is now widely discussed in scientific circles in assessing international, economic, social, legal, financial and other areas of government activity. Different risk derivatives are used in the scientific literature, depending on the scope and depth of the scientific threat analysis. In the contradictory conditions of the formation of our young state, we need effective public risk management. The development of risk management methodology will improve the strategy of legal socialization of citizens in Ukraine. Today, there is an obvious lack of purposeful active state activity, which would be aimed at reducing the impact of both projected negative and natural anti-social factors and active opposition to legal socialization. A person's personality is formed not by itself, but under the influence of society, which plays a crucial role in its upbringing. No less important than the state is the role of small social groups in which a person interacts with other people. These are family, school class, religious organizations, etc. In our article, we emphasize the crucial role of a person's closest environment in the process of his/her legal socialization, because at the primary level the problems of legal socialization of a person arise within the family, among friends or peers. In today's world, there are many families where parents contribute to the formation of children's models of deviant behavior, and as a result, such families become an important factor in the sociopathogenesis of personality. In our study, the family is considered as one of the main sources of preservation of cultural and spiritual values, because the family is the institution of legal socialization, through which the foundations of both a tolerant social life and a tradition of lawlessness and violence can be laid.
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