The article is devoted to the problem of taking into account the grounds outlined by law for effective, expedient and effective application of measures to ensure criminal proceedings, precautionary measures; circumstances taken into account in their election. The purpose of these measures is to ensure a certain vector of adequate behavior of the suspect, accused, defendant, which can be achieved by choosing the right security measure, regardless of the nature and extent of the restrictions.
This general goal is differentiated depending on the type of measure to ensure the proceedings, the precautionary measure, ie it is possible through the platforms of restriction of the rights and freedoms of the suspect, the accused.
The precautionary measure should be chosen solely in order to comply with the proper procedural conduct of the suspect, accused, and to perform the procedural duties assigned to him. Equally, to prevent attempts to hide from the pre-trial investigation and court; destroy, hide or distort any of the things or objects that have probative value to establish the circumstances of a criminal offense; to illegally influence the victim, witness, other participant in the proceedings; to commit another criminal offense or to continue the initiated one.
The directions of individualization, personification of measures to ensure proceedings, precautionary measures, ie expediency, correctness, efficiency, validity of the choice of a particular variety of them, in relation to a particular accused, up to the expected risks in behavior. The procedural legal approach is monitored taking into account the circumstances enshrined in аrt. 178 of the Code.
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