The relationship between the concepts of "tactical purpose" and "tactical task" in the theory of operational and exploratory activity

: 270-278

Pavlenko S. "The relationship between the concepts of "tactical purpose" and "tactical task" in the theory of operational and exploratory activity"

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, leading researcher of the organization's department scientific activity and protection of intellectual property rights National Academy of Internal Affairs

In the article, based on the results of generalization of scientific positions on the research topic, it is concluded that such categories as "tactical goal" and "tactical task" are interrelated, but not identical concepts. The own definition of the concept of "tactical goal" in the theory of operational and investigative activities - is the final expected (desired) result, which is preceded by a clear definition (specification) of operational and tactical tasks, and their implementation in a way that will ensure successful implementation of operational and tactical solutions (change of a specific operational and tactical situation in a favorable direction). It is noted that the concept of "tactical goal" in content is broader than the concept of "tactical task", and may include several "tactical tasks" in the theory of operational and investigative activities. The classification of the main features inherent in the operational and tactical tasks, which differ from the strategic tasks in the theory of operational and investigative activities, in particular: by time; by scale; by orientation; by way of solution.

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