Methods of Evaluation of Venture Structures Development

: pp. 24 - 31
Lviv Polytechnic National University

A review of scientific sources, which reveal approaches to assessing the development of venture structures (for example, venture funds), suggests that the problem of assessing the development of both enterprises and venture structures requires further study, and existing developments contain generalized and recommended character, as they explain only certain aspects and components of de- velopment. Given the significant role and importance of "development" and taking into account the lack of a normatively established system of indicators for assessing the development of venture struc- tures, it is advisable to form a coherent system of indicators for assessing development, based on and based on.

Exacerbation of competition in the market, instability of economic processes contribute to the uncertainty of the business environment of venture structures and cause changes in economic condi- tions. In such conditions, venture structures need to adapt to a dynamic environment and continue their development. The use of modern tools for identifying, analyzing and evaluating the development of venture structures and the development of methodological provisions for analyzing the activities of venture structures is becoming important.

The aim of the article is to build a holistic system of indicators for assessing the development of venture structures based on the main elements of the development of venture structures, which will help to obtain an adequate assessment of the balance of venture structures.

It is proposed to assess the development of venture structures by forming an integrated assess- ment, using a system of indicators of the effectiveness of the venture structure and indicators of the state and dynamics of the venture structure. The presented system of indicators meets the general sys- tem-forming requirements for the formation of venture structures, each direction involves the forma- tion of an appropriate system of indicators, which will result in assessing the development of venture structure. The formation of an integrated assessment of the coherence of the development of venture structures will contribute to obtaining an adequate assessment of the balance of development. The in- tegrated indicator of the coherence of the development of venture structures covers two components that describe the development of the venture structure and the reduction of any component, in par- ticular its scalar value, slows down the development of the venture structure. In general, the integrated assessment of the coherence of the development of venture structures is generalized, which will help to obtain an adequate assessment of the balance of development.

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