National legislation and international legal standards: problems of the interaction mechanism

: 33-38
Harasymiv T. "National legislation and international legal standards: problems of the interaction mechanism."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article reveals the problems of the interaction mechanism of national legislation and international legal standards through a historical prism in the context of modern realities. It has been found that the modern legal doctrine of Ukraine in matters of interaction of the national legal system and the system of national legislation with the system of international law recognizes only the partial primacy of international law, which is limited by the Constitution of Ukraine.

In the field of practical implementation of international legal standards in the domestic legal order of Ukraine, a whole series of different legal means of effective response to the international legal space is being formed.

Of great importance in ensuring the process of bringing national legislation in accordance with international legal standards is the formation of an effective legal mechanism aimed at achieving compliance of national legislation with international legal standards.

It is determined that the interaction mechanism should provide for the following: a clear list of defining principles of interaction; outline of autonomous and general (joint) spheres of legal regulation, directions and boundaries of national and international law-making; determination of legal means of interaction and subjects of their implementation; coordination of norms of national law in the process of law making and application.

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