Activism of religious organizations in the field of fundamental human rights protection

: 131-136

Цитування за ДСТУ: Шептицька М. (2023). Активізм релігійних організацій у сфері захисту основоположних прав людини.Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: «Юридичні науки». Т. 10. № 2(38).  С. 131-136. 

Citation APA: Sheptytska M. (2023). Activism of religious organizations in the field of fundamental human rights protection. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 2(38), pp. 131-136.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article outlines and analyzes the active activity of religious organizations in the field of protection of fundamental human rights. The main principles of interaction between the state and religious organizations in Ukraine in the field of protection of fundamental human rights are: observance of the principle of separation of religious organizations from the state and non-interference in each other's internal affairs; overcoming the negative consequences of the state's attitude to religious institutions in Soviet times; the inadmissibility of the participation of religious organizations in political activities, as well as attempts by political parties or leaders to use religious organizations for political purposes; improvement and development of legal mechanisms in practice in the establishment of partnership relations between the state and religious organizations; assistance in the realization of the rights of religious organizations and the creation of conditions for their normal and comprehensive functioning, etc.

The main activities of religious organizations in the direction of protection of fundamental human rights include: cooperation in the field of preservation and growth of social morality; cooperation in the field of establishing and maintaining inter-religious, inter-denominational, inter-ethnic and civil harmony in Ukrainian society; promoting international peace, understanding, and cooperation between people, nations, and states; creation of inter-confessional and inter-church associations for the purpose of consolidating the efforts of religious organizations for the purpose of their implementation of large-scale social projects, etc.; revival, preservation and development of the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Ukraine; cooperation in the field of spiritual, moral, patriotic upbringing and education; cooperation in the scientific field, including joint research in the humanitarian field; cooperation in the field of culture, art and creative activity; cooperation in the field of state social protection and public health protection; support for the institution of family, motherhood and childhood; cooperation of religious and secular mass media; taking care of the spiritual and moral education of the military, employees of law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies; crime prevention work, care for persons in prisons; joint environmental protection activities; cooperation in the field of economic activity for the benefit of religious organizations, the state and society.

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