Features of organizational and legal provision of information security in the conditions of war with russia

: 365-375

Citation APA: Chystokletov L. (2024)  Features of organizational and legal provision of information security in the conditions of war with russia. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 11, No. 1(41), pp. 365-375. https://doi.org/10.23939/law2024.41.365

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Abstract. The article, based on a theoretical and practical study of the essence and features of the regulation of information and legal relations in the conditions of russian aggression, focuses on the problematic issues of organizational and legal provision of information security as an activity aimed at the prevention, timely detection and termination of threats that destructively affect vital interests of the individual, society and the state in the information sphere.

It has been proved that the analysis of the results of the adoption of international legal acts by the UN General Assembly in recent years, with their short-sighted and futile vision, confidently prove that the entire burden of the organizational and legal provision of information security in the formation of principled positions on the regulation of norms aimed at the development of a single mechanism in counteracting threats to geopolitical information security still rests with states within their territorial jurisdiction.

It has been determined that the informational pressure, which russia has continuously been using against Ukraine over the past decade, is being accompanied by frantic information propaganda aimed at discrediting public authorities, baseless accusations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the deaths of people in the temporarily occupied territory, and the imposition of the chauvinistic idea of defending “russian” peace”, the return of the post-Soviet republics to the “renewed Union” with its imperial goals of aggression.

Taking into account the problems of organizational and legal provision of information security, an analysis of the implementation of legal acts regulating informational and legal relations in the conditions of the russian-Ukrainian war has been carried out. Attention has been drawn to the order of creation and running of the system of operational and technical management of electronic communication networks of public use and the national centre of management of electronic communication networks for the purposes of defence and security of the state in conditions of martial law.

The issues of combating phishing as a form of information attack, which, having been presented as a simple electronic message, is carried out by criminal groups in a deceptive way on the user in order to obtain any type of data, have been studied out. The problems associated with the implementation of the filtering system for phishing domains, which may create additional significant risks and pose threats to the information security of Ukraine, have been outlined. The mechanisms of organizational and legal protection against disinformation and the means of countering it have been defined.

Taking into account the recommendations of the numerous scientists and practitioners, proposals have been made to optimize the organizational and legal provision of information security in the conditions of russian aggression.

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