: 150-154
Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture Department based architecture and architectural design
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, assistant of the Department of Architectural Design

The current stage of development of society, characterized by dramatic changes in the socio-economic sphere, innovative processes in education, poses new requirements for professional training of specialists in the field of design education. The existing system of professional design education is now in its infancy. To date, the number and quality of professional designers cannot meet the needs of society in this type of service. Today, there is a problem of improving the quality of vocational training for students of higher education institutions, given the task of strengthening the training of specialists focused on specific requests of the educational services market. To develop a method of realization of pedagogical conditions that is included in the model of professional training of future designers in the process of forming a project culture, to analyze and to generalize the results of the research.

Thinking about design, as a new type of design and artistic activity of a person, puts before teachers of higher education institutions new tasks and encourages them to find more effective ways of vocational training.

Generally speaking, under the project culture of a student-designer we mean a culture that represents a system of transformations of professional views of the world picture, expressed by creativity in artistic and visual images.

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