: 158-164
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Politechnic National University, Department of Architecture and Conservation

The article explores the history of the Jewish community in Kharkiv and the role that synagogues played in its life. Focusing on the significance of synagogues as centers of spiritual and cultural life, the article emphasizes their importance in shaping the city's cultural landscape. Through the analysis of historical sources and documents, the article unfolds the process of the Jewish community's development in Kharkiv and the challenges it faced over the years.

In the early stages of Kharkiv's development, the Jewish community was an integral part of urban life. Synagogues became gathering places not only for religious ceremonies but also for the exchange of news, discussions, and important decisions for the community. They played a key role in preserving cultural traditions, education, and the preservation of language and rituals.

However, the history of the Jewish community in Kharkiv also reflects challenges and upheavals. Political and social changes, such as revolutions, wars, and periods of repression, significantly influenced its life. Synagogues remained important during these turbulent times, often becoming centers of support and hope for the community. They played a role not only in the religious sphere but also in supporting social and charitable initiatives.

Additionally, the article examines the influence of political, social, and cultural factors on the Jewish community and its synagogues. For example, the period of severe restrictions during the communist era affected religious practices and the free expression of cultural identity. In such conditions, synagogues became not only places of prayer but also symbols of resilience and faith in the future.

The article provides important insights into how synagogues influenced the development and life of the Jewish community in Kharkiv during different historical periods. It emphasizes not only the religious significance of these buildings but also their importance in shaping the social and cultural identity of the community.

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