The article examines the stages of formation of the organizational structure and legislative foundations of monument protection activities in Eastern Galicia during the Austro-Hungarian period against the background of national processes. It is shown that the formation of the organizational structure in Eastern Galicia took place synchronously with the processes in Vienna and was controlled from the center. However, the peculiarity was that at the end of the 19th century. in Eastern Galicia (as well as in Western) non-governmental organizations of conservators are being formed, which actually control all local monument protection processes. It is also shown that the activities of conservation organizations focused on management issues, as well as on the problems of inventory, cataloging of architectural monuments, and publishing activities. The problems of the theory of conservators' activities, the methods of conservation and restoration works were not reflected in the documents and the activities of monument protection organizations. It was noted that the representation of the activity of the conservatives of Eastern Galicia at the national level was not significant.
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