The integral components of wastewaters from chemical and petrochemical enterprises are monocyclic aromatics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, phenol and their derivatives). The toxic effect of these compounds turns out in violations of the activity of the human endocrine and central nervous system, the change in the species and trophic structure of biocenoses.
A promising method in wastewater treatment processes containing monocyclic aromatic compounds is their cavitational treatment. At the same time, the efficiency of wastewater cavitational treatment is determined by the technological parameters of the treatment process (pressure at the entrance to the cavitator, the temperature of the reaction medium, the multiplicity of treatment) and the structural features of the cavitation generators (type, shape of cavitating elements, their geometric sizes and spatial deployment). The purpose of the work was to study the process of cavitational treatment of wastewater imitats of enterprises of chemistry and petrochemistry from toluene under adiabatic conditions and different treatment regimes (stationary and regime of initiation of decomposition reactions and oxidation of toluene).
On the basis of spectrophotometric analysis of aqueous solutions of toluene, processed by ultrasonic magnetostrictive emitter in different modes, it was established that the intensity of the peaks of the UV-spectrum of toluene is substantially reduced, at least 7 times, and the structure of the main absorption bands becomes diffuse in nature (becomes blurred).
The equality of initial velocity of the process of cavitation treatment of immitate waste water from toluene in different regimes was determined (1.15·10-3 mol/(m3·sec) – for stationary regime and 1.12·10-3 mol/(m3·sec) – for the regime of initiation). It should be noted that the effect of the duration of cavitation treatment on the magnitude of the degree of treatment of the immitate due to the cavitation phenomena is insignificant: the degree of cavitation treatment for stationary regime (processing for 1800 sec) – 26.5%, for the regime of initiation of decomposition and oxidation reactions (processing for 900 sec) – 19.8%.
Consequently, in order to reduce the energy intensity of the cavitational treatment process by 2 times and, if necessary, the preliminary shallow treatment of waste water from toluene, it is expedient to use the cavitation initiation regime of the decomposition and oxidation reactions (the action of the cavitation fields on the reaction system for 900 seconds).
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